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Riding Benefits

Reasons To “LIKE” Your Motorcycle

motorcycle riders

Rider's use their motorcycles basically for hobby, transportation, and all for their personal reasons. The thrill brought by a motorcycle ride is something that motorcyclists would like to repetitively experience—its fun, and the exhilaration it brings especially if one is into motorcycling sport. Moreover, riding this amazing two-wheeled drive is more than a hobby and fun. It comes with many benefits that sometimes, even riders themselves are unaware.

If you are a rider who sees your road buddy as only a mean to transport you to and fro from workplace and home, below are few points that may let you see your motorcycle in a different light.

Motorcycles are...


Didn't you know that you are dodging mountainous fuel bills when you are riding a motorcycle instead of a car? Yes you are. There is a huge difference with the amount you will spend in filling the tank of a car compared to a motorcycle—tank size and price wise. In terms of the distance it can cover, you still can save using your motorcycle. You may need to buy gears and accessories for motorcycles, but it is not as much as buying a car which is a lot more expensive, not to include its maintenance cost and insurances.

like this motorcycle?

Economy and Environment Friendly

These are advantages that may not even passed your mind. Riding a motorcycle allows you to help the economy and environment? How? Well, riders help the economy because they have lesser fuel consumption that may help in lessening the dependence of the country to foreign oils. On the side of the environment, motorcycles emit lesser smoke, so they contribute lesser carbon dioxide which is a primary contribution in global warming.

Easy To Maintain

Whenever a person owns a vehicle, maintenance is always a consideration. However, compared to other vehicles, motorcycles are easier to fix than cars, and if a rider have basic knowledge in auto mechanics, there will be no need for him to bring the car to the nearest auto service center. Also, motorcycles only have two tires, so in times of changing, riders can save a lot than cars having four tires to be maintained.

Flexible in Traffic and Parking

In rush to go to work, but the traffic will not allow you to reach your destination in time? A motorcycle ride can make a big difference. Since motorcycles are smaller than cars, even riding in safe distance can still bring riders faster to their destinations. Motorcycles have exemptions in terms of moving since its engine easily gets hot when placed in too long stand-by mode. It has to keep moving while in travel.

Many motorcycle riders would attest that riding their big bikes is fun. Its gives the benefit of getting much while spending less that is a prime motivation for people who values practicality. Motorcycles are cost-efficient and rider-friendly in many ways, therefore it is practical. Its advantages are not only limited for the rider, but for the economy and environment as well.

Ride wisely!


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